Where's there's Easter - there's eggs!
Whether you plan to paint them, eat them, roll them or gift them, eggs are a big part of Easter celebrations all over the world and we're lucky that Scotland has some eggs-ellent producers.
Get to know a few of our favourite Scottish eggs-perts.
The Brand Family Larder, East Lothian

At The Brand Family East Fortune, they've kept hens for 20 years and now have a 250 hens laying 3500 eggs each month.
The eggs are sold through the farm shop and local markets. At the Brand Family Larder the hens are part of the family too with a staff mascot hen called Buttercup who visits the farm shop every day.
Jane Brand loves her eggs with a great dollop of mayo. Perfect for a piece or a tattie!
At the Brand Family Larder, you can also buy the farms home reared lamb and pork.
Gloagburn Farm Shop, Perthshire

Gloagburn Farm Shop has been producing eggs for over 40 years and has 4500 hens who produce 125000 eggs each month. Gloagburn eggs are available from the farm shop at Tibbemore near Perth and businesses local to them.
Gloagburn is now a 130 cover coffee shop and farm shop with in house butchery and gift shop. The back bone of the Farm shop centres around Gloagburn's own produce from the farm and kitchen: traditionally raised beef and pork, free range eggs, oatmeal, and homemade savouries, sweets and preserves.
Fergus Niven from Gloagburn likes his eggs best poached and runny! Mmmm.
Greenford Farm, Angus

At Greenford Farm in Angus, the Baird family gather up 84,000 eggs each month - that's 7000 dozen! They have 4500 hens and if you're wondering how they gather them all up at night, the farms two working collies help out!
You can buy Greenford Farms eggs in a range of places: Grewars Farm Shop, Fraser's Fruit and Veg, Craigies Farm Shop, Locovore, Pillars of Hercules, Bellfield Organic Nursery, Jamesfield Farm Shop and from wholesalers direct or through Green City Wholefoods. You can also stay on Jenny and Euan's farm in a beautifully renovated farmhouse.
The Bairds don't have a favourite way to eat their eggs but they do have a shortlist - poached, scrambled or french toast are the favourites, they can't agree on just one! They all sound pretty good!
Mill of Inverarity, Angus

Mill of Inverarity Farm Shop sells Toms Eggs, which are produced right there on the farm from a whopping 20500 free range hens - who love to play with rugby balls! Tom started with just six hens 10 years ago. The Stodart family also sell home reared beef, lamb and chicken from their shop.
Such a huge number of hens means a huge number of eggs every month - over half a million!
Toms Eggs are also sold through shops and cafes in Forfar, Glamis, Kirrie, Carmyllie, Arbroath, Wellbank and Broughty Ferry.
Tom's wife Alison likes her eggs scrambled (freshly laid that morning of course!) on toast with a little bit of local Scottish butter, freshly ground black pepper and chopped tomato. Sounds delicious!
Old Leckie Farm, Stirling

Old Leckie Farm has been producing eggs on their Stirlingshire Farm for just 8 years and their Leckie Layers are a big hit in the local community.
They have 1400 hens laying 3700 eggs each month and customers can buy direct from the farm, locally through Old Leckie's award winning home delivery service and from a number of local shops and outlets. They also sell their own beef, lamb, pork and veg.
Elsewhere on Old Leckie Farm, there is luxury steading accommodation and Farmers Alison and Fergus Younger offer tours.
Alison tells us: "An average large egg weighs about 5% of a hens body weight. That's like us growing a new arm every day!"
Alison like her eggs perfectly poached with a pinch of salt and cracked black pepper. Ooh, yum!