From established farms, crofts and estates in agritourism to those starting out, professional services and trade suppliers, Scottish Agritourism is a force for good in the rural economy, representing everyone growing agritourism in Scotland.


Members can log in to this area to update their business information, view and renew their membership, create and update listings and consumer events and visit the Scottish Agritourism Knowledge Hub. 

If you are a Scottish Agritourism member and you have not logged in to the Member Hub since Sunday 23rd February 2025, you must create a new user account which will give you access to both the Member Hub and to the new sheepApp.

  • Once you do this, you will use the same email address and password to access both
  • Please note, you should use the same email address which you always use to log in to your Member Hub or the system won't recognise you BUT if you wish to change your email address, let us know and we can help with that
  • To ensure your registration runs smoothly, please ensure the email address is not sending into your junk mail box and that your browser is up to date.

Please register here. Once you do this, select ‘RETURN TO WEBSITE’ to be brought back to the Member Hub and log in with your new log in details.

Register now for Sheepapp

You can find out more about your sheepApp account here.

  • A Strong Community


    Be part of a strong community of like-minded and friendly entrepreneurial people. Working together to develop and promote each other’s businesses. We are open, supportive, friendly and agree to share knowledge so we can receive knowledge.

    Currently 200 individuals are part of this pro-active network from Shetland to the Borders, from Arran to Angus and everywhere in between.

  • Lobbying & Representation

    We have an established direct route to government, enhanced during the Covid crisis with regular meetings with MSPs, MPs and civil servants to convey key challenges and opportunities in our businesses. 

    As a result of on-going campaigning, the agritourism sector in Scotland was highlighted in the SNP and Green manifestos in the 2021 Scottish Parliament election and became part of the 100 day programme for government.

  • Sector Growth

    Members of Scottish Agritourism have recently worked with the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Islands and government officials to produce Scotland's Agritourism Strategy.

    We are working with partner agencies and industry bodies to deliver the actions in the growth strategy. 

    Visit Scotland work closely with Scottish Agritourism to both support and track sector growth across key areas including consumer campaigns and travel trade. 

  • Bespoke Business Development

    We are the conduit bringing together people in our sector from across Scotland to facilitate peer to peer knowledge sharing on a day to day basis. 

    Our members only business hub provides a 24/7 forum to ask questions, receive advice, seek supplier recommendations, access a sector specific knowledge hub and connect with fellow businsess owners. 

  • Go Rural Campaigns

    All members you can get involved in consumer facing campaigns using the Go Rural brand to promote buying food direct from a farmer, visiting a farm for a day out or choosing a farm for a holiday or short break. 

    Scottish Agritourism is the sales arm for Scottish agriculture, driving thousands of visitors on to Scottish farms each year and playing a significant role in the development of the rural economy. 

  • Marketing Your Business

    Marketing opportunities exist for all members. 

    Suppliers to the sector can promote their business with a trade listing and will have the opportunity to promote their services at all business events. 

    Members with a consumer facing offering will benefit from a listing on Scotland's dedicated agritourism website, and will be able to take part in digital consumer campaigns. 

Our Unique Sector Ethos

Our members commit to maintaining a culture of peer support, trust and working together to assist each other in our ambitions to run successful and sustainable businesses. 

Our unique sector ethos serves to protect the longevity of Scottish Agritourism as a force for good in the rural economy. To maintain this ethos, all membership applications are reviewed and approved by our board. 

The Scottish Agritourism Membership Charter sets out our membership rules.