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Farm Stays Perthshire

Earth Ship

Host: The Dawsons

Your stay at Earth Ship will be an unforgettable experience. This totally unique self catering lodge accommodates up to seven people with pets, situated facing south, overlooking Loch Leven and Kinross-shire. The Earth Ship is self-sustaining, built and furnished with mostly reclaimed, reused, sustainable materials and is a "home" that differs in every sense. Please visit.

About Us

A third generation family farm raising beef and sheep. Sustainability sits at the heart of the business with on farm energy based on wind, solar, hydro and biomass. Farming practices focus on native woodland creation and management, building biodiversity and grazing strategies to enhance nature and carbon sequestration. The core of our family business is to create a farm fit for the future and the Earth Ship integrates with our ethos and promotes principles of creative sustainability.

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