Go Rural to eat out

If you are looking for fresh taste, fresh ideas, freshly prepared with a fresh perspective on food and drink, look no further than your local agritourism business. 

On trend in every way, your local farm café is no longer your Granny's Saturday afternoon secret. They offer the lowest possible food miles, original twists on traditional recipes, unprocessed, perfectly ripe and freshly harvested vegetables and meat that has been reared and cared for to the highest possible standards. 

While you can still expect a mouth watering, hearty soup, with crusty home made bread, cakes, scones and all those good things, you might be surprised at what you find when you shift your foodie focus to the farm.

Private dining, food experiences, international cuisine, unique settings and high-quality artisan products can all be found when you leave the city behind and go rural to eat and drink! 

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