Scottish Agritourism

Scottish Agritourism is the official body for the agritourism sector in Scotland, providing leadership and a strong voice for representation and growth.

You can review each of our membership options, and the many benefits associated with each, below.

Still not sure what membership is right for you? You can contact us here.

Please note, new memberships are charged pro rata. New memberships before the 15th of the month will pay for that full month, after the 15th will pay for half that month plus any remaining months up to 31st March.

  • For Agritourism Businesses

    You must be a working farm, croft or estate with a tourism offering and/or selling food and drink directly.

    • Four consumer facing Go Rural website listings
    • Full members hub access
    • Business support
    • Lobbying & representation
  • For Farmers & Crofters Starting Out

    You must be a working farm, croft or estate and you are developing agritourism or considering it.

    • Members Hub individual listing
    • Full members' hub access
    • Business support
    • Lobbying & representation
  • For Associate Members

    You are not located on a working farm but you showcase Scottish farm produce and you work closely with our sector. You might be a Café, Distillery, Brewery, Hotel or a Rural Show or Visitor Attraction.

    • Go Rural website listings
    • Members' hub access
    • Business networking
    • Lobbying & representation
  • For Trade Suppliers

    Your business is a valued supplier (or a prospective supplier) to Scotland's agritourism sector.

    • Members' Hub Supplier Listing
    • Ranking higher in search results as a member
    • Business networking
    • Lobbying and representation
  • For Press

    You are a member of the press covering articles on agritourism for B2B, consumer press or both.

    • Media library access
    • Complimentary tickets to annual conference
    • Signposting to members for articles
  • For Patrons

    You are a trusted supporter of our sector working to grow the sector along with our members.

    • Profiled as a patron across whole of members' hub
    • Access to the members' hub
    • Ranking in searches above all other suppliers
  • For Sponsors

    You are wishing to gain new business leads and raise your profile with our sector.

    • Tailored sponsorship options
    • Sponsorship of industry events
    • Sponsorship of the Members' Business hub